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Publikácia Pataňdžaliho Jógasútry - 1.diel : Samádhi-Páda
- Počet strán: 216
- Vydané: 2016
- ISBN: 978-80-972491-1-3
- jazyk: Čeština
In this book, the author explains the profound wisdom of the sutras of the 1st volume called Samadhi Pada in a very simple and understandable way. He discusses the highest spiritual guidance, self-knowledge and samadhi (the state of oneness of individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness). The book, however, does not confine itself to a description of the various stages of this state. It also deals with the obstacles on the way to its attainment and how to remove these obstacles and gain greater peace of mind, inner balance, contentment and self-mastery.
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are the oldest and most comprehensive summary of the principles of yoga. Their origin dates back to the second century BCE, but the actual system of yoga they record is much older. As the name implies they are writings in the form of sutras. The sutras are abbreviated precepts that express only the basic essence of the idea being formulated to make them easier to remember.
With commentary and translation by one of the foremost Yoga Masters of our time, Paramhans swami Mahesvarananda
From the book's introduction:
"Before one decides on a particular path, one should know its destination. Therefore, in the very first volume of his sutras, Patañjali first deals with the ultimate goal of yoga. This is samadhi, the state in which knowledge, the knower and the object of knowledge are united. In other words, it is oneness with the Supreme Self. ..."
16 €